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For help with the 

'What Now?'

Initial consultation

$290 for 90 minutes

(Includes 30 minute follow-up)


Our 90-minute conversation lets us take a deep look into what’s going on with you, assessing your symptoms, health history, lab-work, your health goals and your frustrations in reaching those goals.


Using the functional-medicine model, we'll search for the 'upstream' clues and causes that help explain your symptoms, with the goal of restoring optimal physiological function . Functional medicine provides this crucial trail of breadcrumbs; for only by identifying the root causes of disease can we address them and follow the trail back to health.

My recommendations for you will cover diet, herbs, supplements, lifestyle modifications and prebiotics/probiotics along with any mindfulness or breathwork practices that seem relevant and are welcomed.



$70 for 30 min 

$140 for 60 min

Follow-ups allow us to monitor your progress, tweak your program and continue to brainstorm solutions. It's good to remember that since you didn't get sick overnight, it's unlikely that you'll feel better overnight either (though small steps can sometimes yield huge gains).


Think of a huge ocean-liner making a 180-degree turn in the is turning, but it's a process.....and turning around takes time.​


Let me help you set small goals and accompany you through the maybe-fast, maybe-slow, but lovely turnings that your life will take once you focus on what you want and then clear a path to get there. ​

Plant-based diet coaching

$80 for 60 min

Though all types of nutrients are vital to our health, phytonutrients–found exclusively in plants–are elite 'super-nutrients' that help us lose weight without counting calories, protect against heart disease and cancer, boost our immunity, open our arteries within minutes of consumption and optimize the health of every cell and organ in our bodies.


A plant-based, Mediterranean-type diet has been found to be as or more effective as medication to treat GERD.  

I am certified as a Food for Life Instructor by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, I'm 'fluent' in plant-based planning and cooking, and I will happily provide you with education, strategies, meal plans and endless encouragement!


SIBO Solutions

SIBO Monthly Support (Intensive)

$250 flat-rate includes:​

  • 120 minutes of total online or phone support (eg 4 weekly meetings)

  • Email and text support 

SIBO Monthly Support (Light)


$125 flat-rate includes:

  • 60 minutes total online or phone support (eg 2 bi-weekly meetings)

  • Email and text support 


Our 90-minute Initial Consult will give us clues as to the possible cause of your SIBO and help us come up with a plan of action, which may include:

  • arrangements for testing or analysis of current tests

  • herbs that eradicate bacteria and methanogens

  • supplements that enhance motility and digestion

  • probiotics and prebiotics that recondition the gut​

After the Initial Consult + follow-up, you:

  • ...may be well on your way!

  • ...may book additional follow-ups as needed in the future

  • ...may want to choose a Monthly Support package to allow you to ask questions and address obstacles that arise in a month's time


Whatever you choose to do, know that my goal is to help you walk right out of your SIBO story and back into your life.

Louise has been an instrumental and indispensable figure in assisting me.  Not only has she used her expertise as a practitioner to make various helpful recommendations with respect to diet, food, supplements, and alternatives to traditional medicine, she has also been enormously helpful in educating me to be able to better address my needs with physicians.  Her level of care, consideration and support is unwavering.  - Adam

SIBO Newsletter

Sign up here for bi-monthly newsletters sharing reflections, research, recipes and

reasons to be hopeful. 


Ask Me about the
'What now?'
to review your options 
if you have SIBO or
suspect you have SIBO

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